An updated snow removal process was revealedat the Fairmont City Council meeting on Monday.

Troy Nemmers, city engineer/public works director, explained the changes in the process.

Declaring a citywide snow emergency, which would ban all on-street parking, was suggested but would not be feasible in many areas of the city, Nemmers said. Fairmont’s policy already includes snow emergency routes, and these have been expanded by 8 miles. Snow emergency routes, which will be marked with new signage, include Downtown Plaza and adjacent streets, North North Avenue, Albion Avenue, Blue Earth Avenue, Lake Avenue, State Street and Lair Road. The snow emergency code is triggered after there’s 2 inches of snow. That requires no parking on those snow emergency routes until that street is cleared curb to curb.The city has purchased an additional plow truck, bringing the fleet up to nine vehicles. The extra truck enables an additional snow removal route and the ability to address trouble or priority areas sooner.

Citizens also can assist by keeping their vehicles off the streets if possible. Setting garbage cans and recycling bins in driveways instead of on the street also will streamline snow removal. The policy will be available on the city’s website,, on social media and possibly through direct mailing to residents of in utility customers’ billings.