Arbor Day Celebration

Friday, April 28 @ 1:30 pm

NE Corner of S Prairie Avenue/State Street Intersection


You are invited to our annual Arbor Day Celebration! Ms. Nelson’s SJV 4th grade students will perform a short program prior to assisting City Forester Chad Striemer plant a White Oak tree. In case of inclement weather, the program will be held at the Public Works Facility located at 801 E. Margaret Street. The Park Department would then plant the tree at a later date.

A white oak tree will be planted this year. The white oak is a large, strong, imposing specimen with a short stocky trunk and massive horizontal limbs. Leaves are dark green to slightly blue-green in summer turning a showy brown and orange-red in the fall. At full maturity. this beauty will have grown to a height of 50–80′ and a spread of 50–80′. White Oaks can live for centuries and is a perfect addition to our green spaces in the City of Fairmont.

Please contact Nick Lardy, Parks/Streets Superintendent with questions at 507-235-9330.