The Fairmont City Council held a public hearing to address the 2021 improvement program and approved the advertisement for bids for two projects in the program on Monday night. Those projects were the reconstruction of Fairlakes Avenue and the Grant Street water main Replacement Program. City Engineer and director of public works Troy Nemmers went through a presentation for the 2021 improvement program. This presentation includes the Fairlakes project that will include reconstruction from the dead-end to Woodland Avenue, a resurface from Woodland Avenue to Canyon Drive. Total cost of the improvements city wide is $3,354,412. reconstruction projects are assessed at $80/ front footage, resurfacing at $54/ front footage,overlays assessed at $32 per front footage and seal coats at $2.50/ front footage.
The council approved a reimbursement resolution for expenditures prior incurred prior to the issuing of bonds to fund the 2021 improvement program and possibly the new Public Works facility. The council also approved the 2040 Fairmont Forward: Comprehensive Plan that was recommended by the Fairmont Planning Commission at Monday’s meeting.