The Fairmont Area School Board on Tuesday heard from Superintendent Joe Brown, who reported the first day of school went well overall, but he also talked about a hitch in regard to distance learning. “I spent about four hours at the high school today just visiting classrooms and saying hi to the teachers and students,” he said. “Things were very well organized; the bus company did a great job getting our kids to and from school. “We do have a number of students who are doing distance learning, and we are going to be sending out an email to the parents of those students. The reason is distance learning students this fall , unlike in the spring, must be connected with the in person classrooms and must check in regularly to be counted present.
Due to Covid concerns the board Tuesday approved hiring Stacey Garbers as a school health aide to assist at both the high school and elementary school buildings. Also four new lunch room supervisors have been hired in the district, paid through Covid-19 funding.