Human Services of Faribault & Martin Counties, in collaboration with the City of Fairmont, Minnesota and Faribault County applied and was awarded a grant to administer the COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program.

The COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program provides housing assistance payments to help prevent eviction, prevent homelessness, and maintain housing stability for eligible renters and homeowners. Local administrators will review applications from individuals and families requesting assistance, verify eligibility, and process payments for eligible expenses on behalf of households.

Human Services of Faribault & Martin Counties is one of the COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program local administrators around the state that is working with individuals located in Faribault or Martin Counties.

For complete details on who is eligible to apply and what costs are covered by the program, visit Interested applicants may also call 211 (Toll Free: 1.800.543.7709; Local: 651.291.0211) or text “MNRENT” to 898-211 to learn more. The 211 helpline has dedicated multilingual staff available to answer questions about the COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Program funds are available through December 2020.