The Fairmont City Council on Monday acted on a new method to raise money for street improvements and had a unanimous vote to initiate a franchise fee. If a franchise fee is imposed on the city’s natural gas customers, an estimated $280,000 could be raised annually, with the funds earmarked for road work. “For a couple of years, the council has been exploring options for funding our street improvement program,” said Paul Hoye, city finance director. “Currently, we assess property owners for improvements and issue bonds to pay for those improvements. We’re looking for alternative revenue sources. City staff recommended a $2.50 per month fee plus a $0.015 per therm fee that would be collected by MN Energy and turned over to the city.
The council approved an event permit for 14th Annual Cedar Creek Open Disc Golf Tournament Aug. 7-9. The event will include temporary overnight camping. Trevor Boehne has included the Requirements & Best Practices for PDGA-Sanctioned Play During Covid-19. He has already held three successful events in Minnesota this year following these requirements.
The council Monday also reviewed the June 2020 Investment schedule showing the investments held by the city as of June 30. total interest received during the period was $238,525.58. During staff reports City Adminstrator Cathy Reynolds wanted the public to know that the Ribbon Cutting for the new Adventure “Inclusive” Playground at Gomsrud Park would take place today at 3:30 PM.